The Eno Number Project

Many years ago in a Ballarat bedroom, a couple of teenagers got drunk on miniature Cointreau bottles and decided to draw a map they called ‘All Roads Lead to Brian Eno’. Neither of them had heard of Paul Erdös, and they tried very hard to ignore Kevin Bacon, and they really weren’t very good at drawing, so the idea never really went anywhere.

But now I think it’s time to change all that and give the marvellous Brian Eno the credit he is due for being so promiscuously collaborative and all round bloody brilliant.

But because I no longer have time to sit in rooms drinking miniature Cointreaus and talking shit with my bestie, and because it would be kind of cool in a meta way to do this collaboratively anyway, I’m going to see how many people I can get to collaborate here on generating some Eno numbers.

I’ll make a start with some alpha Enos, some numero zeros, and let’s see how it rolls. You can either assign someone an Eno number yourself and post it in the comments for me to add, or post a name and I’ll try and work it out. Eventually I’ll put in lots of links and make this the all out Brian Eno tribute site I’d be making if there’d been an internet when I was sixteen.

I’ve sent up a page now for Eno1’s – that is, anyone who’s collaborated with someone who’s collaborated with Eno – but to be honest, I don’t know if there’s enough years left in my life to list them all.


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